Fraud Management

Protect your business with our world-class payment fraud prevention tools.

Magnati provides cutting-edge solutions to protect businesses against fraud. We partner with leading companies, providers and card schemes to offer our clients the most advanced anti-fraud and anti-counterfeiting solutions to combat fraud.

Our team works around the clock to verify all suspicious transactions. We are constantly working to develop solutions and controls that help our clients reduce risks and eradicate losses resulting in increased business volumes.

Robust system that offers near real-time monitoring for early fraud detection

  • Around-the clock-dedicated monitoring team responsible for monitoring of merchant transactions

  • Multiple payment gateway options equipped with cutting-edge anti-fraud solutions

  • 99.95% merchant settlement release

  • Customised fraud rules for merchants based on individual requirements

  • Future-proofed fraud tools to reduce fraudulent payments

Best-in-class services ensure you stay protected